Sarah Morelli, Scholarship



  • 2014. “Musicking Bodies by Matthew Rahaim.” (Book review.) For Yearbook for Traditional Music.

  • 2009. “Vanaja.” (Film review.) In Asian Educational Media Service: News and Reviews, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. 33(Fall): 4-5.

  • 2004. “World Library of Folk and Primitive Music Vol. 7: India.” (Recording review.) Recorded by Alain Daniélou, from the Alan Lomax collection. Rounder Records CDROUN1755, 2002. In Ethnomusicology. 48(3): 475-478.


  • 2006. “Kathak at the Crossroads: A Conversation with Pandit Chitresh Das.” In In Dance. (September): 1, 7.

  • 2005. “Pusan.” (Encyclopedia article.) In Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol. V: Asia and Oceania. ed. Shepherd et al. London: Continuum International Publishing Group: 49.

  • 2001. Kathak Handbook. (Contributing editor, secondary author.) A 92-page text used in Kathak courses taught at Stanford University and San Francisco State University, at the Chhandam School of Kathak Dance, San Francisco, CA, and the Chhandika Institute of Kathak Arts, Boston, MA.


"'From Calcutta to California': Negotiations of Movement and Meaning in Kathak Dance." Harvard University, 2007. 


Photo: Thomas Jennings

Photo: Thomas Jennings